a)   Beware of pick pocket
We can find it in
·        Market
·        Railway
Mean        : We must be careful , because there are many pick pocket in that are.

b)  Out of order
We can find it in
·        Restaurant
Mean        : We cannot , order somethingin food seller.

c)   Examination is in progress
We can find it in
·        In front of class
Mean        : We must quiet in the  examination in front of class.

d)  Talk less , do more
We can find it in
·        Class
·        Laboratory
·        Library
Mean        : We don’t talk do more in hospital.

e)   Queve this side please
We can find it in
·        Bank teller
·        Cashier
·        Toilet
Mean        : We must queve in line in bank.

f)   Quiet please
We can find it in
·        Harbour
·        Air port
Mean        : The place don’t order ticket for out of Asia in Air Port.

g)   Asean pasport only
We can find it in
·        Hospital
Mean        : We must quiet in library

h)  Please return to the proper place
We can find it in
·        Class
Mean        : We must return to the proper place.

i)    Lavoratory is occupied
We can find it in
·        General lavotary
Mean        : This is a person in lavatory , and we don’t enter to the lavotary


Vertebrata terdiri dari lima kelompok, yaitu ikan, katak, reptilia, burung dan mamalia.Kelima anggota vertebrata tersebut memiliki susunan alat dan sisitem pernapasan berbeda. Akan dibahas Sbb.
A. Sistem Pernapasan Pada Ikan
Ikan hanya dapat hidup di air dan mempunyai alat pernapasan yang khusus. Ikan bernapasa dengan insang yang terdapat pada sisi kanan dan kiri kepala. Ikan bertulang sejati misalnya ikan mas, mempunyai tutup insang atau disebut operculum. Insang mempunyai lembaran yang halus yang banyak mengandung kapiler darah sehingga berwarna merah.Pada beberapa jenis ikan, rongga insangnya meluas membentuk lipatan tidak teratur yang disebut labirin. Rongga labirin berguna untuk menyimpan udara sehingga ikan tersebut dapat hidup di lingkungan yang kurang oksigen.

B. Sistem Pernapasan Pada Katak
Katak mempunyai daur hidup di dua alam yang berbeda yaitu di darat dan di air. Oleh karena itu katak disebut hewan amfibi. Waktu katak masih berbentuk larva, berudu hidup di air dan bernapas dengan insang.
Berudu memiliki 3 pasang insang luar yang terdapat di belakang kepala. Insang luar terdiri atas lembaran halus yang banyak mengandung kapiler darah. Apabila insang ini be larut dari air di sekeliling insang ini berdifusi masuk ke dalam pembuluh kapiler darah. Seiring dengan pertumbuhan berud rgetar, maka air disekelilingnya selalu berganti dan oksigen yang u, timbul celah insang dan terbentuk insang dalam. Insang dalam mempunyai tutup insang seperti pada ikan. Kemudian berudu perlahan-lahan menjadi katak dewasa. Katak dewasa bernapas menggunakan paru-paru dan kulit. Jika dari kulit Oksigen dari udara berdifusi melalui kulit yang basah kiemudian masuk ke pembuluh kapiler darah. Oleh karena itu katak sering berada di tempat berair supaya kulitnya tetap lembab. Selain itu selaput kulit pada rongga mulutnya juga di gunakan untuk memasukkan oksigen ke dalam darah secara difusi.

C. Sistem Pernapasan Pada Reptilia
Secara umum reptilia bernapas menggunakan paru-paru. Tetapi pada beberapa reptilia, pengambilan oksigen dibantu oleh lapisan kulit disekitar kloaka. Pada reptilia umumnya udara luar masuk melalui lubang hidung, trakea, bronkus, dan akhirnya ke gerakan tulang rusuk.
D. Sistem Pernapsan Pada Burung
Burung ketika terbang digerakan oleh otot-otot dada. Ketika terbang gerakan otot dada dapat mengganggu pengambilan oksigen oleh paru-paru. Oleh karena itu, selain dengan bernapas dengan paru-paru, burung mempunyai alat bantu yang bernama kantong udara.
paru-paru. Lubang hidung terdapat di ujung kepala atau moncong. Udara keluar dan masuk ke dalam paru-paru karena



I.The following text is an example of message:
            Dear Lisa,
The cat needs to be fed twice a day: at 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.

II.Bak’ Iyah helps the Han family. Ms. Han wants her to do the cooking for the day’s meal while she is away. So, she writes a note to Bak’ Iyah. Complete the following messages. Use passive voice.

Bak’ Iyah,
The onions and garlic need to be (peeled) and then (cut)into small pieces. Then put them in the butter.The mushrooms need to be (boiled) first when the onions are soft.Then, mix all of them.

III. Write a message to your Mom. Tell her that you’ll be home late because you have to finish some Math tasks at your friend’s house.

Mom , I will go home to be late cz I will do math tasks at my friend’s house.


Read this postcard then answer the questions!

Dear Rusdi,

I just got back from Yogyakarta. The
weather was nice the whole week, and
I really had a great vacation. I walked
along Malioboro Street on the first
day. The next day I went shopping and
bought some batik clothes at Beringharjo
I went to Yogyakarta Palace one day.
Guess what? I saw the Sultan.
I enjoyed my vacation. Well, that’s all for now
for now.
Answer these questions.
1.    Who wrote the postcard?
Answer : Fahmida wrote the postcard
2.   What is the postcard about?
Answer :The postcard about Fahmida’s holiday in Yogyakarta
3.   Did she like the weather?
Answer : Yes , she like the weather because the weather was nice the whole week
4.   What did she do during the vacation?
Answer :During the vacation , She walked along Malioboro Street on the fist day. The next day she went shopping and bouht some batik clother at Beringharjo Market and she went to Yogyakarta palace and saw the Sultan


Dear Bisma
My best friend
                How are you , Bisma ? I’m fine. I hope you always fine too.
In my letter, I want to tell you about my experience. Last years I went to Madiun city. I went to Madiun by bus at 06.00 owith my family. I went to my uncle’s home. During the traveling I saw beautiful scenery. We spent 8 hours to went there.
We arrived there at 13.00 o’clock. I directly had lunch, because I was so hungry. After that, I took a bath and pray dhuhur at 14.00 o’clock.
After broke, I and my family went to “TAMAN RIA” I can saw many kinds of animal. After around the “TAMAN RIA”, I felt so tired. So,we broke for dinner. After that, we went to our uncle’s home.
That all my experience that i can tell you. How about you ? please tell me about you experience.
Rintan Illahi Wahyu